Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday's Tip!

You know, you always need to listen to Mama. And MY Mama says that sponges are huge breeders of germs. She noted that a recent study found that sponges often have MORE germs than the toilet seat they are trying to clean. Can we say a collective, "EWWWWWW!!!!". Yuckers. Anyhoo, Mama has the perfect solution to kill those germs. Wet your sponge and ring it out so that it is damp. You do not want it to be dripping wet. Place the damp sponge in your microwave and put it on high for 2 minutes. This kills all of the germs on your sponge. You should do this DAILY. Once you open your microwave, you will find that any dirt in the microwave has been loosened because the damp sponge becomes a sauna of sorts for your microwave. The loosened food spots are now easier to clean and you have a damp sponge in hand that is is disinfected and ready to do more dirty work! Isn't Mama smart?!
Happy 1/11/11!!!!!!!


Love Being A Nonny said...

Your mom is correct!! And what a great picture of her! Love the pearls!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

I need to go try that tip now. We're sponge users. Yuck! Thanks

just ask beth said...

that is so funny I just did that this morning!! I spray mine with clorox clean up also!!

Southern Living: Preppy Style said...

Great idea! I've never used sponges for that same reason, either in the bath/shower, kitchen, or to clean! We have color coded was cloths that get washed all separatly. Obsessive....maybe, but I was raised by a microbiologist, so I'm creepily clean! Probably killing the good stuff along with the bad! :-)

kayce hughes said...

Smart and beautiful!

bevy said...

G-R-O-S-S... Thanks Mama Henley's Mama!

North of 25A said...

What a good idea. I have been putting my sponge in the dishwasher, but this makes much more sense. Please tell you beautiful Mother that I said "thank you!"

Paula@SweetPea said...

Your Mama is smart! I'm going to microwave my sponge tonight.

Diana Mieczan said...

I need to try this today...Wow thanks for the tip:) Have a lovely day

annechovie said...

Great tips! thank you.

Mary Douglass said...

Thank you for all of your "Tuesday Tips!" I usually read your blog on my Blackberry and have no idea how to comment from there; but I do enjoy them each week! Feel free to give any tips on how I can get out of SC snow and down to Florida warmth (cheap!) in February!