Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Miss Trish of Capri

Run, don't walk to your nearest Target. Okay, okay I know I say that every week. Just trust Mama Henley. It may be too late, but the Miss Trish of Capri shoes are IN stores for little girls and mamas. The shoes for girls are especially adorable. We flipped over them!! I think you will too! Leave it to Tar-jay to out do itself. I'll post a little later on the other "must have" shoes for your little diva!

These starfish are precious, though I am not sure if the shoes are comfortable or not.

I thought the seahorse sandals are the most versatile!

ook at the bee on this flower!


Beth Dunn said...

Love Miss Trish of Capri!

sparrowsandsparkles said...

I saw those and loved them! I took my girls in to choose a pair and my 6 yr old got those white ones and my 8 yr old the brown with the turtle. I wish they had my size!

Kim said...

Oh ... you have no idea how much a miss me some Tarjay!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

Annie said...

Oh my goodness, those are all presch! Great finds and thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Oh shoot...once again living 2 hours from a Target really stinks. Hope your having a great day! xoxo

Love Being A Nonny said...

Thanks I am about to go *run* over there. Well, drive really...only cause I want to get there quicker!! Thanks for sharing!

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Aren't they fab? I saw the little girls' this year and melted. I bought two last year and really enjoyed wearing them, they are so fun and go with all your spring and summer dresses/skirts/capris!! :) Hope the triplets had a WONDERFUL birthday, that was one of the best posts ever. XOXO

bloggerprotectionprogram said...

I got the middle and bottom pairs for myself AND my daughter. Thanks to my radiation damage I can fit in the childrens' size shoes. Something good about having been through cancer. Love those Miss Trish of Capris. Thanks for posting!

bevy said...

OK! I'm running... LOL

North of 25A said...

My G. Girl would love those - thanks!

2 Little Irish Boys said...

Darn, I was just in there today and totally skipped the shoes--trying to get out of there for less that $100--which is hard to do!

kay said...

So adorable, I will have to take a look next time I am in Target!! Thank you

Travelbugmom said...

OHHH read the post too late....leaving in the wee hours for FLORIDA....across the state from you!!!! Maybe we'll search out a Target on the way to our hotel!

PS I wish we were on your coast....maybe we would have been able to meet IN PERSON!

the pink prep said...

love the pink ones, but that style is a toughie... let me know if your foot flies out! Target has got to be a store sent from God himself! :-)

The 5 Bickies said...

Wow...missed these. Have to do a return and might go right now!