Monday, February 15, 2010

People of Disney

How about this funny grandpa at Disney? He is clearly "tuckered out"! Hilarious!!!


Sandra said...

Yes, I'd say that's a hint that it's time to call it a day!

Jessica Ryan said...

Hilarious!!!! He's a smart man. I will have to remember that myself!

Jo said...

I've felt like doing the same before :)


Love Being A Nonny said...


By the way, why are your pictures really small on your blog? Just curious because I always have to click to enlarge them.

Love your blog anyway!!

KK said...

That is hI-larious!!!

P.S. Not sure you know, but there is an ad with some crazy looking hoochie mamas on your blog right now! Just thought you might want to know...

Sally said...

That is too funny! A day at Disney always makes me tired too.

bevy said...

So funny! I'm pretty impressed with the make of that stroller... good construction!

Unknown said...

So funny!!!