Saturday, February 6, 2010

Progress, sweet Progess

Whew! DH & I are exhausted! We've been unpacking boxes in our pod since early this morning. We've unpacked over 15 boxes, taken 2 loads to the Salvation Army, and thrown away 3 trash cans full of stuff!!! Woo HOO!!!!! It feels good. We have at least 15 boxes left before we'll take everything out of the garage and begin to rearrange things so that we can actually park a car in the garage during the upcoming rainy season!! Our new home has MUCH less storage... no floored attic for storage and no basement. We had over 800 sq ft of basement plus a completely floored attic in our old house. Needless to say, we have lost a lot of storage space. With a 7 member family, it's easy to accumulate a good bit of stuff. Today has been spent weeding out those things that are no longer necessities and re-purposing them for other uses, giving them away, or simply throwing them away. Our hands are dry and crackly, but it sure does feel good!

When you walk in the back door, the aroma of red beans and rice greets you. It really does smell delicious! I have made DH's daddy's recipe in his memory for the Superbowl tomorrow. WHO DAT!


Sherrie said...

Good for you! I swear we still have unpacked boxes and we moved in 5 yrs ago!

Sandra said...

It is such a feeling of accomplishment to purge, unpack, and organize! Sweet gesture for the Super Bowl food ;-) xoxo

bevy said...

Don't you just love that feeling of accomplishment? But don't let your adrenaline stop! Keep going, girl~

Bama Girl said...

Congrats to you on the cleaning out! I need to be doing the exact same thing! :-)

Home of a Magnolia said...

Sounds like a productive day. I love a the feeling of accomplishment organization brings.

Jessica Ryan said...

I'm on the first flight down there now that you have all this room and delicious food! ;)

Travelbugmom said...

Your hard work will pay off - It's frustrating not having as much storage as you think you need, but it is probably so much better not to I'm finding out also.

MJC said...

Progess is sweet- even if we have to take is slowly! I'm looking forward to reading more moving updates. Happy Super Bowl weekend- I hope you get a chance to relax!

KK said...

I am so glad you are making progress--feels so good! Enjoy your red beans today!!!

bevy said...

Hey! You are my Sunshine! Come visit my blog and see!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Nothing like moving to make us clean out and sort through. Good for you. I don't know if I actually cooked for WEEKS after we moved in. We ate sandwiches and fast food WAY TOO LONG. Good for you to have the aroma of food cooking. It helps make a house a home.

The Hayden Family said...

What a terrible task but such a good feeling when you are through. Pats on the back to you!!! And maybe a backrub trade for you and DH!!!

Seersucker Scrapper said...

Doesn't it feel go to get organized!

Congrats on the superbowl win! By the way, I have left something for you over at my blog today.

Karin Katherine said...

Cleaning always feels good. Doesn't it give you more energy in the space afterwards too? Amazing how that works.