Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A little something fishy...

Somewhere out in the great big blog world I read one of your posts about the MOST AMAZING goldfish birthday party! It was probably a March or April birthday party, as it was about the same time as our triplets' swimming birthday party. If you blogged about it, I was so amazed by your favors, invitations, decorations, etc. and I want to re-read it. I also want your contact for those cute invitations as I want to do a custom invitation for girl # 4's birthday in July. Can any of you help me? I've tried to google it, but it hasn't located the blog I read. It is probably a blog I read frequently, but I just can't remember. Thank you for your help, dahlin'!


Suburban Princess said...

That was me!!!!
Email me and I will hook you up with my papergirl!

Love Being A Nonny said...

How cool is that? You post. She answers. Awesome!

Travelbugmom said...

I knew the answer....does THAT count???
Hey S.P. it WAS and awesome party idea!!

Jessica Ryan said...

I was just going to say it was Suburban Princess!!!

Suburban Princess said...

Ya gotta love the blogisphere!

Henley on the Horn said...

I love it!! I KNEW it was a blog I read regularly, but it was just escaping me. Aren't you girls amazing?! I am so happy!!!!

Sarah Denley said...

This is hilarious, as this thing always happens to me and I spend *hours* searching my Google Reader for some little randomite. HAHA!

Justabeachkat said...

Hi there! Thanks for your visit and sweet comment tonight! Come back anytime.

I've sure enjoyed my visit here.


preppyinnewengland said...

Yes, Martha's Vineyard is on the New England scarf! Aren't they gorgeous?

Birthday party theme and are doing well today!

Unknown said...

Isn't she awesome!