Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Day Full of Labor

Usually our family goes to Family Camp at Camp Greystone or to the beach with my family for Labor Day. We've also visited Doug's parents over this three day weekend. Sweet friends invited us to go to the beach, but it was just too much. Our summer held so many enjoyable trips, and we just needed to stay home this weekend. As much as we wanted to see the fabulous island called Little Gasparilla, it was not in the cards for Labor Day weekend. DH and I both felt like the Lord just wanted us to rest and enjoy being home together as a family, as much as we knew we'd have fun with our friends.
We enjoyed a great dinner out with friends last night at my favorite restaurant. This morning I stayed in bed as long as possible! It felt wonderful. Friday afternoon I literally could not keep my eyes open. We had to have some papers notarized, and I almost fell asleep in the man's office. What a joy to REST this morning on Labor Day weekend!
DH bought the family some wonderful Einstein bagels and I cut and filed coupons and more coupons. Then I took K to buy one of her BFFs a birthday present. BFF's parents are going to thank me for Baby Alive who talks, coos, and bounces!!! After we returned from our trip to Target, DH and our boy went to watch Georgia football. The quarterback hails from our local high school! In the late afternoon, the children enjoyed a birthday party while DH & I ran a few errands. ALone. In Tampa. In the daytime. On a Saturday. Wow. We had never done that before while living here!
We returned home to straighten some things and eat Labor Day weekend hot dogs. DH then met a friend to watch some more football, and I began a cleaning frenzy. I have cleaned all 4 bathrooms from top to bottom. I have re-organized cabinets that were too messy and thrown away old toiletries. I am bleaching all of the bathtub toys. Mirrors are shiny, sinks are disinfected, and there are no rings in our tub. I also vacuumed the entire downstairs and one dear daughter mopped the hardwoods! Our cleaning will continue as I hope to get rid of some piles of papers and clothes! I am thankful for this weekend to enjoy the children, watch them swim, listen to them play the piano, read to them, listen to them read, and to be able to clean, clean, clean! It feels good! We are thankful the Lord has given us such a sweet weekend at home! How is your weekend thus far?


Lauren said...

It sounds like you are having a fun and productive weekend! It's always fun to be busy, but it is great to just relax and just BE! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Jennifer said...

Yes, the Yin and the Yang of life. It is so nice to stay home when life has been busy and you just need to rest...your mind, your muscles...ahhh...enjoy!

Then before long you will want to travel...I must say with 5 you are an inspiration...
Newport was last Tues starts our next vaca!...stay tuned for where we are going...
Hilarious you fell asleep in that office!
[[HUGS]] Jennifer aka Gigi
Off for a beach day w Adley & fam!

Nancy said...

Your weekend of rest sounds pretty busy, but it's at home, sometimes that's what our souls need. Enjoy this long weekend :)

Jo said...

We've been going, going,going all summer. It feels good to be home.

I'm exhausted just reading how much you've accomplished ~ guess I should get busy and check a few things off my list.

Have a wonderful day ~

Imjustagirl said...

Oh so sad you couldn't got to Little Gasparilla I just realized I never posted on Palm Island vs Gasparilla Inn.... It sounds like you have had a very productive weekend though!! and I promise you will LOVE Boca Grande!!

Travelbugmom said...

We are experiencing some GLORIOUS weather here up North...On Sat. we put the convertible roof down and just drove around with little girl ALL DAY..[puppy shopping]. We too were tempted to invite friends over or head to the beach, but decided to just stay put after church yesterday and BE HOME! We are loving it, since it may be the first time in over 11 years we weren't on a soccer field!

Happy Labor Day Weekend to you!

Anonymous said...

that sounds like a nice, relaxing family weekend. We are spending a lot of time with family this weekend.

Leelee said...

We decided to spend Sunday and Monday of Labor Day weekend at home for the very same reasons...we did go to Athens for the football game. It was interesting to learn that the quarterback is from a local to you high school. Our oldest daughter is a student athletic trainer for the UGA football team this semester and so spends a lot of time with them. She has told us that the quarterback is one of the nicest guys on the team...Tampa should be proud...

bevy said...

Sometimes it's just best to stay home! We tend to always be on the go go go. I love a lazy, no plans weekend. Lucky you - and SMART you too!