Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday's Tip

It's always fun to get to know a new friend better, especially when she is SMART. April shared the BEST idea the other night at Bunko! At the end of the night, four of us were still gathered and I needed to make lunches for the next day. I asked the girls if it would bother them if I made peanut butter sandwiches while we talked. Of course they obliged! April shared that she makes her sandwiches for the week on Sunday. She then puts them in a ziploc bag and then places them in her freezer drawer. Her children take them to school in their lunches and they work just like an uncrustable, yet they are SO MUCH CHEAPER and probably better for you! The nice thing is that the frozen sandwich also serves as an ice pack for other items in the lunchbox. Plus, the sandwiches are thawed by lunch time. She said her son LOVES them! If you have a cute round cookie cutter, you could even make them look like Uncrustables! Enjoy your Tuesday's Tip, ladies, and the extra cents in your pocket!


Love Being A Nonny said...

I use to stay with three children when their parents traveled. Their freezer was FULL of frozen PB&J sandwiches!! GREAT idea!

KK said...

GREAT idea! I use the sandwich pocket maker from Pampered Chef and it makes the sandwich look JUST like an Uncrustable!

Bridget said...

I never even thought to do something like that. Do you think it would work with mayo/turkey or best results with pbj?

Beth Dunn said...

Great idea!

Travelbugmom said...

Great idea - my daughter is obsessed with uncrustables!

3 Peanuts said...

My husband's Mom used to do this when he was growing up too. He did not like that ...so HE makes my kids lunches every evening....even better tip!

The Mrs. said...

That is a great idea!!!!

bevy said...

That sounds great... But does the peanut butter taste all weird after being frozen? Let me know!