Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday Words from the backseat....

As a mother of 5, you constantly hear funny little conversations from the back of the car. I hope to start sharing conversations such as these on Wednesdays.

One of our latest went like this:

"It's not called a BA-Gina!"


Jessica Ryan said...

Bwahahahahah!!!! In our house it's the name of a country that has great take out!!!!

Love Being A Nonny said...

I wish I had written all these things down when mine were little! You will be so glad you did. At the time, you think you will never forget...but you will!! Too funny!

sevenalstons said...

Sounds like a conversation from the back seat of my car :) So funny!

Susan said...

Love it! They are so precious and say the funniest sister-in-law has this on her blog called "out of the mouths of babes" ... I love reading them... our 10 year old has a few of these.. I must remember to share some:)))

Anonymous said...

that is too funny because I once called it a "fa-china" when I was little

Posh Peach said...

Your little ones are so precious! Kids just say the funniest things. Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

Julia Fleischner said...

Ha! I have heard that in our house too!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, that is hilarious! What about va-jay-jay?

bevy said...

That's exactly what my boys called it when they were little! Of course, it was my oldest telling my youngest that they didn't have a "ba-gina". They had "peninises" and rocks, instead. That was quite a discussion!

Anonymous said...

HI! I have something for you over at my place. Hope your having a great week! = )

Valerie said...

Now that is funny!

I STILL remember (when I was about 9 or 10 years old) being at a friends house when she said, "My mom says that soon I'll be getting public hair?" I was thinking, "what?1!!" So I went home and asked my mom when I was going to get "public" hair and I'll never forget the weird expression on her face before she broke out in laughter and explained the error of my friend's ways!

At our house, my daughter often explains to my son (during bath time) ages 5 & 3 that boys have penises and girls have pah-ginas!!! Hahahah. I get such a kick out of that!

Looking forward to more your little ones conversations!

Blessings from Kansas,

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! That is too funny. It always amazes me how smart they are and how they truly are little people with HUGE personalities.