Monday, November 2, 2009

My Mama Always Said

My mama is a colorful character, as you can see in the above photograph. She always makes me laugh and will keep you on your toes. Mama is a great cook, a wonderful organizer, and a true Southern belle. She stands by the mantra: "Honey, your bosom can be fake, and your hair color can be fake, but your pearls and your silver must always be real!" In fact, I just got off the phone with her and teased her about putting on lipstick before someone comes to help her get ready for a party. Her response was, "Honey, I have on my PEARLS!" She could have written "A Southern Belle Primer: Why Princess Margaret Will Never be a Kappa Kappa Gamma."

My mama is so much fun, so I thought you'd enjoy hearing all of the things My Mama Always Said. My favorite is, "Honey, dahlin' precious, always keep someone on the back burner."

Mama thinks that no matter how serious you are in a DATING relationship, you need someone on the back burner. Bri Bri, I’m so sorry. Maybe you should have come home for that prom because I had a mighty fine time with my date with the beautiful ringlets who had just gotten out of jail! (Thank goodness Mama didn’t know about the jail part and long-haired-rebel boy found the love of his life one day too.) I tell you what, keeping someone on simmer was never a bad idea in college!


KK said...

Oh she sounds wonderful! I love her mantra. And The Southern Belle Primer is one of my favorite books!

Nancy said...

She sounds fantastic... Love her :)

Anonymous said...

I like her and don't even know her, what great words of wisdom!!! Tammy

Unknown said...

I don't even have someone on the front burner. What advice would she have for me?? :)

bevy said...

I'll never forget my mother telling me, "Dahlin', you need a little culah (color) on your lips. You look dead." Got to love a Southern Mama!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful mantra. I need that embroidered on a pillow. And I kept someone on the back burner till the day I got engaged. Your Mama is a very smart lady.