Happy Terrific Tuesday! The week is moving right along. Chez Mama Henley we're excited about BUNKO tonight! Woo Hoo! Don't you know we all want to win the pot?!
This weekend I made Sunday lunch (or dinner as we grew up calling the mid-day meal on a Sunday) for a dear friend and her parents. We had a lovely time. Making lunch before church can be tricky. Things need to be cooked as you walk in the door, but certain foods cannot be prepared in advance. I made a delicious tomato tart, but I was a bit worried about the tomatoes making the tart too soggy if I prepared it in advance. Thankfully God gave me two brilliant sisters-in-law, and one of them had the perfect solution!
A suggested that I slice my tomatoes and lay them on paper towels to dry. Then, you sprinkle them with salt. The salt soaks up the excess water! I let them sit on the counter for about 20 minutes. The paper towels were soaking wet and I was able to assemble the tart before church. When I cooked it, it was perfect! Enjoy your Tuesday's Tip!