A mosque has been proposed to be built right near the site of 9/11 in New York City. It is a site where many sacrificed their own lives to try to save others. Many innocent, working Americans were also killed on that awful day. Most of us will never be able to forget the horror we felt when we saw the plane hit the second tower. The impossible happened and no longer were we safe from the destruction of the enemy.
Our triplets were 6 months old when 9/11 happened 9 years ago. The families who lost loved ones have lived lives that will never be the same. Parents lost their children, husbands lost wives, and children lost their parents. Many, many friends were lost. Can you imagine the terror and horror those that were killed felt that morning? I cannot.
Fast forward nine long years. Families have lived without their loved ones. Ground Zero sits empty, as a memorial to the almost 3000 people who died. Now, an Islamic mosque has been proposed to be built right near Ground Zero. Yes, the Islamic people have every right to build a mosque in New York City. It is not unlawful, but I don't think this makes it RIGHT. It seems like a bit of a sneer in the face of those who died innocently. Yes, they have the religious freedom to build it there, but is that the best way to go about building a mosque? It is disrespectful of those who died since Islamic extremists are to blame for the attacks. In my humble opinion, there are better locations for the mosque than putting it right near a place where almost three thousand people perished. What are your thoughts?
Monday, August 23, 2010
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I think there are better places. There should be a memorial there. I lived in NY in fear every day after those attacks.And I lived nowhere near Manhattan. I feel even if it were a Christian church...it need not be where thousands lost their lives. Brutally, tragically lost their lives.I remember being a borough away the next day smelling a horrid burnt smell. Make a nice memorial like they did for those killed in the Oklahoma bombing.Because the survivors need some kind of solace too.All New Yorkers do
Mrs. Lynch, well said. I can't imagine the smell. That is just so sad. What a horrific day.
I think we should understand and support our constitution and not give way to the emotional at the risk of our freedoms. There is a strip joint closer to the site than the Islam community center will be. There is an Islam building closer to the Pentagon than this building will be. It is time to use our brains and not fall for this trickery. America was not founded upon Christianity, but the freedom to worship as each sees fit. How can we argue with that?
I guess I see it differently. It honestly doesn't bother me. I don't blame that religion for 911 any more than I blame Christianity for the Oklahoma City Bombing and Waco and Jonestown. There are always going to be extremists. But they don't represent the majority of any group. They just throw a very loud tember tantrum and take away from the goodness that runs through most religions. I think it's such a shame that now so many people think that those extremists represent the group as a whole. I don't mean to take away from 911. Personally I still cannot watch any media from that day without crying. But I don't want to hate good people any more than I want people to think that *my* Christianity has anything to do with those other tragic events. That all being said, they had to see this coming to some degree given the temperature in this country over the last decade. Surely they didn't think that no one would notice.
How's that for an all over the place comment? A very sticky issue indeed!
I am a very strong Christian (or try to be anyways) and a Republican, so you'd think this bothers me (but I did study lots of philosophy, so my outlook on religion is a little different than the typical Christian). But it doesn't bother me in the least. I think that the Constitution grants the freedom of speech and religion and don't think it's a smear at all on 9/11. I think it's these American Muslims who want to honor those who died as well (I do not know who died in 9/11 but I'm sure there are people of origians other than the american were included). I don't think it's fair to tarnish the entire American Muslim community/citizens over a few extremists. I think the good WAY OUTWEIGHS the bad and the Muslim religion does not support these attacks. I guess I agree with Pink Crocodile, there are always going to be the bad people, but we shouldn't tarnish the good ones either, which if you think about it, the good does outweigh the bad, we just never hear about it. (I wish I could be more clear, but it's early and haven't had my coffee yet, so hope this made sense!) It's a good point to bring up though and glad you're open to opinion :-)
I'm not SURE of my feelings so I am enjoying reading the comments here. Interesting points.
I think that we are a nation of laws, and to maintain the freedoms we all enjoy, we have to abide by those laws. We are, and have always been, a melting pot and religious tolerance has always been a cornerstone of our nation. When we lose sight of these basic principles, we allow ourselves to be more like the terrorists that changed all our lives. The city of New York is the most qualified and appropriate legal entity to address these issues - not the Federal Government. I will give the President a pass on this one - it is not his issue to resolve.
My only question is out of all the PLACES in New York, WHY that spot? That is an legitimate question. I agree with everyone here wholeheartedly but I just don't understand the "where" and the "why" of this whole thing. And Pink Crocodile said it best that they don't represent the whole group but we have to ask...will having a mosque there bring any terrorist attacks to it? Either someone from an extremist muslim group or another.
I completely agree with you. Any other place in NYC, I have no issue with. But not there. What a horrible thing for all of those who lost loved ones to have to deal with. This location should ONLY be a memorial for those who were killed by terrorism that day. It just makes me want to cry.
Building a mosque, of all religious buildings, would be like opening up already painful wound.
I really feel like a memorial would be the most respectful thing to put there. Maybe a beautiful little park with a fountain or something peaceful and beautiful to look at that will not inflict any hatered or hurtful thoughts.
The question Obama did not comment on is the wisdom of the decision.No leadership. They wanted to open it on the anniversary of 911.It is very painful to those who lost loved ones. We need to know more about the funding and associations of the mosque. Bill Ayers (SDS) & his wife, Bern Dohrn are supporting the mosque & flotilla against Israel our long time ally in the Middle East. 80% of mosques support sharia law. Do they support hamas & hezbollah? The media again is not doing their job. thank God for the Internet!
Peace, Jennifer aka Gigi
PS Nice to hear some pol discussion!
Must admit I am conflicted on the whole issue...
I agree completely. They certainly have a right to build the Mosque in New York City but I think that there are better areas within the city to do it. Personally I think building a Mosque right there is asking for protesters and possibly more acts of violence.
I live in NYC and was here on 9/11...I go back and forth with the mosque. Sometimes I think we will show the extremists that we are bigger and better by allowing it and then I think "no, what if it gives satisfaction to one of them?"
Would you feel the same way about American Christians building a church in Afghanistan? Iraq? Vietnam?
But Muslims are a very loving people. The same way most true christians are. There are extremists on both sides - what if it was a temple? Shull? Church?
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