Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's the Dad Life

I thought you'd enjoy this cute You Tube Video on Dads!! Which one is your man?!


Virginia in Charlotte said...

Very cute! Our DVR has definitely been taken over by our girls -- too many Sesame Streets and Max and Ruby episodes saved for me to tape Glee! The reunion just isn't going to be the same without you!! I'll miss you a ton. xoxo-Va

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

this was too great not to send to sexy lexy! loved it! you have made my day darling -- as usual xc

Draffin Bears said...

What a great little video clip and thank you for sharing.

Happy weekend

the pink prep said...

oh this is so funny. i passed it on to all the dads in the office (they all look like the dad on the riding lawnmower, sadly!) thankfully tho, mr prep is not portrayed in the video! Altho he is a great dad to his baby girl!