Monday, September 15, 2008

Lunch Box ideas!

It's always difficult to think of what to put in those lunchboxes!  I fill four a day, and still have to make baby AH her lunch too, so here are some ideas:

-traditional pb or pb&j sandwich if no nut allergies
-turkey & cheese sandwich (can use ham, roast beef, or chicken)
-turkey & cheese roll up (in a tortilla) (can use ham, roast beef, or chicken)
-cheese stick & crackers
-pieces of cheddar cheese & crackers
-soup or ravioli in a thermos
-spread veggie cream cheese on a tortilla, layer w/ turkey, put another tortilla on top & cut like a pizza.  Fun triangles to eat!
-peanut butter on saltines little sandwiches
-pimiento cheese sandwiches
-cream cheese on raisin bread sandwich (can also use peanut butter)
-cream cheese w/ fresh dill on bread sandwich
-mini bagel & cream cheese
-carrot sticks
-all fruit... we do strawberries, blueberries, grapes, bananas, plums, peaches, apples, orange slices, watermelon, etc.
-salad w/ dressing on the side
-broccoli w/ ranch dressing
-Pirate's Booty or natural cheetos
-frozen gogurt or stonyfield farm tube of yogurt
-cookie or treat
-a mint
-recently I bought a bag of gummies & gave them each a few
-celery w/ peanut butter, pimiento cheese, or cream cheese... can even add raisins
-LOTS of water!!!

Try to include a little note when you can!

1 comment:

Cherry said...

I love your lunch ideas! I don't have children, but it brings me back to my own school days. My family had very unique taste buds - we loved olives and cream cheese sandwiches! sounds funny but is yummy (I was teased but didn't care). Also loved cream cheese and jelly saltine sandwiches.