Saturday, October 4, 2008

Things to keep on hand for unexpected guests

I love to be prepared.  When we are down to one 12 pack of toilet paper, honey, we are OUT of toilet paper & I am running to the store!!!

Unfortunately, this means our house is very full .... full of people and full of things to be prepared!

However, it comes in handy when I have no idea what to cook for dinner and can pull out a can of cream of mushroom in a blink of an eye. It pays to be prepared.  I love to have guests, though sadly we have very few unexpected guests or even guests in general!  Nonetheless, I try to stay prepared with a few items for overnight guests or guests who simply drop in and "sit a spell".

-peanuts or cashews
-Diet Coke (Diet Pepsi is my favorite), Coke, and Sprite kept cold in our extra fridge
-chocolates in the freezer. I love Ghiradelli chocolates.  You put them on your guests pillows at bedtime after pulling down their sheets and turning on the clock radio (set it to soothing Classical music)
-fresh towels in the linen closet
-nice new soap or shampoos for the guest bath
-crackers & cheese
-I even keep guacamole frozen for a spontaneous fiesta!
-MMs are good too!

1 comment:

Hopsy said...

I want to come stay at your house! You sound like a wonderful hostess.