Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My D

On Saturday we visited a local toy store to see the visiting Calico Critters Kitty character who was in the store for a few hours. The children each had their picture taken with Kitty & enjoyed playing in the store. I actually encouraged the children to look around for ideas for their Christmas presents.  In our house, each child receives 3 gifts since that is what baby Jesus received.

The children were actually very sweet and not greedy.  They even had difficulty choosing their items!!  In the end, I left with a few ideas for each of the children.

That night, when I went to bed, I found a note on my side of the bed that made me burst into tears!!  I have transcribed it below:

Dear Momy and Dady.  I love you so much.  You dot have to gev me a crimes presit.  Becus oll i need rile is a hug.  Becus i have the gradis famley in the hadt waid wrde.  Yo al are the biet famley. love, dj

I will save this precious note forever!!  I am planning to frame it & am mailing copies to the grandparents & godparents! So sweet!!! It is nice to see glimpses of your hard work making a difference!


Hopsy said...

How sweet! I wrote a similar sort of item (mine was a list) when I was five and my mother framed it with a photo from Sea Island taken the same year. We get love reading it now and it brings back so many wonderful memories!

Anonymous said...

This is about the sweetest note ever! I hope that my Caroline and Camilla will show some of these qualities. I'm waiting for your parenting book to come out (hint, hint).