Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday's Tip!

To save yourself time when making dinner, buy a large pack of skinless, boneless chicken breasts from a place like Costco.  This pack should have at least 10-12 chicken breasts. Wash the chicken breasts & cut off any white parts (yuck!). Then, fill a pot with water, the chicken, and salt & pepper to taste. Cook until the chicken pulls apart easily. Now... shred the chicken with a knife or your hands.  You now have chicken to use in any recipe... chicken chili, chicken enchiladas, chicken casseroles, chicken salad, et cetera!  Freeze any chicken you are not going to use immediately.  You can also use the broth or freeze it as well. You have just save yourself a lot of time when preparing your week's meals!


Hopsy said...

YUCK to the white is right!

Preppy Pettit said...

What a great tip! And thank you for your sweet comments. We live in Lakewood. If not familiar, it's in east Dallas. A mostly historical neighborhood. (My parents house is over 100 years old)
I do not know where they got the golf cart. I think I saw one once at Tuesday Morning.

Henley on the Horn said...

Lakewood is BEAUTIFUL! I loved the pics with your street in the background!

Amy said...

This really is so smart; I need to do it more!! My mom always put an onion, a carrot, and a couple of bay leaves in the water, too.

Henley on the Horn said...

Your mama was one smart lady!!! Glad to see you, Happy Mommy!! :)

Anonymous said...

This is a great suggestion. You could also do it in chicken broth (low sodium). How long do you think it will keep in the freezer? I never know about that, and I probably throw things out too early.