Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday's Tip

Do you struggle with what to pack in your child's lunch? I love to take Gogurts and individual applesauce and put them in the freezer. Then, I put them in the children's lunch boxes right before they leave for school. By lunch time, these treats are still cold! Our children also love to eat the frozen Gogurt at home as a quick snack. I also freeze them and take them to Disneyworld or as a snack while one child has an activity. What Tuesday's Tip do you have?


Anonymous said...

Thats a great tip! My little one loves Gogurt! Thanks! Hope you are having a great week! = )

Jessica Ryan said...

thank goodness our school provides snacks and lunch...

my kids love yogurt but they do get sick of them rather quickly!

In the summertime when I do need to pack lunches/snacks for camp I like to include:

trail mix... raisins, dried cranberries, nuts (if no allergies) small pretzels and choc. chips...

apples with a small tupperware with pb and honey...

celery/carrot sticks with small tupperware of ranch dressing...

celery with cream cheese or pb...

crackers and cheese...

sliced apples or pears and cheese...

I always place one of those freezer packs in lunch boxes and I find that it keeps food nice and cool well through lunch!

KK said...

I make lunches the night ahead in insulated lunch bags and the 12+ hours in the fridge seem to keep things nice and cold throughout the school day!

Henley on the Horn said...

KK, I do the same thing! I make lunches the night before and then add ice packs in the morning. I also make fresh water bottles filled with ice and then a little water. It is HOT in Florida!!!!