Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday's Tip

I love a notebook. I love to be organized. One of my favorite ways to be organized is my gift notebook. I have one spiral notebook that is completely dedicated to Gift Giving and Receiving. In this notebook, I try to write down birthday, new baby, wedding, and Christmas gifts as I give them. I often use it to write down gifts our children receive at their birthday parties as well. It is so nice to look in one place to know if we have already given my brother and sister-in-law too many sets of placemats or if we gave our neighbors a birdfeeder last year so they don't need a new one. I find I have gift-giving trends. If I have given all new babies in one family my favorite Nancy Doodles pillow (she doesn't make them anymore), then I need to continue the trend in that family. You get the idea. So, buy a notebook & start buying and writing it down because Christmas is just 8 weeks away! Merry Merry!


Anonymous said...

great idea!! I need to go grab a notebook right now. Hope your having a great day. = )

The 5 Bickies said...

I love a notebook! Do you write in date order or do you divide the notebook in to sections. Sort of an OCD question but I have to ask.

And the 8 weeks comment made my heart fall to the floor!

Henley on the Horn said...

I just write in order of when it happens, though I love the idea of starting a new notebook & having birthdays & Christmas separate.