It is no secret. I have been quite remiss in writing on my blog. There have been weeks where I have completely lived without my blog world, and there are weeks I have missed it. I often think of things to write in my head, but seldom find myself sitting down to write. 2011 has been a huge year of change for us.
We watched our precious school close its doors for the last time in May. It had been an amazing Classical Christian school for 16 years. We mourned its passing. We mourned the relationships that were hurt or lost in the process of the closing. We cried many tears for our friends, our school, our students, and our own children. The Lord definitely knew our hearts for we spent a lot of time talking to Him. In that respect, it was a time of growth. He is always with us.
Our summer was spent praying over what to do next. We prayed about where to send our four oldest to school. We considered homeschooling since I am a former elementary school teacher. The Lord stirred up a group of people to start another Classical Christian school. That was our heart's desire. I followed DH's lead to help start the new school. It opened its doors just after Labor Day with an exuberant group of teachers and staff and a wonderful headmaster who had been there the last year of our former school. I was to be the French teacher. We LOVED the updated curriculum, the teachers, and everyone in the school. We bought new uniforms for four eager students and happily began a new adventure in Classical Christian education.
Just as I finished my first lesson plan for teaching French, it became clear that DH was going to have a new job. We rejoiced over the Lord's provision, though our hearts questioned why we had gone through the tears and efforts to start a new school that we would now have to leave. That's right. DH's new job would move us out of Tampa. We could not believe it!!!
While excited about this new opportunity and adventure for our family, the idea of leaving our friends and our church and our school was enough to undo us. We cried even more tears. Our days were spent trying to spend as much time with our dear friends as possible. We had gatherings and sweet dinners and lunches and playdates with friends. We cried some more. We prayed.
Just before Thanksgiving, the children took their last swim in our sweet Tampa pool. Our hearts hurt as we waved goodbye to palm trees, bay breezes, and sunny days. We are nesters. We like to burrow into our home and community and stay there. We lived in our Raleigh home for 8 years with no intention of adding on our moving. We were very content with our life there when we were moved to Florida. Our Florida home brought us so many sweet friendships and happy memories. Now we are off on a new adventure!!! I hope to live to tell you ALL about it!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Quite an Education OR Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures
Our children have been receiving quite an education this summer. I mean, QUITE an education. You may have read about all of the school work we've been accomplishing this summer. Perhaps it made your stomach turn and thus made you not want to be my friend. I understand. I can't believe it myself. Well, lemmetellyou about a little education. Five children and no nanny or babysitter or long lost grandmother means 5 children go everywhere Mama goes. And I do mean EVERYWHERE.
Dear DH and I are going to have a little getaway this weekend. It is long overdue. There are some other, um, unmentionables that are long overdue as well. SO... I asked the children to please go to the bathroom, gather their DSi or a good book, and hop in the car. Mama Henley was desperate. I know your minds are racing, "For what in the world could I be so desperate? Did Mama Henley take the children to the liquor store?" No! I would never do such a thing as that.
Mama Henley simply stated, "Children, we need to run an errand. You are going to wait in the waiting room while I do something and then we'll leave." Well, Mama Henley has not raised any fools. They don't overlook details... not even the tiniest one. Once we were all in the car, our son asked, "Mama, what are you going to do? Does Daddy know?"
"It's okay, darling. Daddy will understand. It won't take long," I replied.
"Mama, what are you going to do? It sounds inappropriate," our attorney son stated firmly.
"Honey, it's none of your business. It's private," I calmly replied.
"Well, Mama, it sounds inappropriate. I think you are doing inappropriate things. It's giving me the creeps," the judge offspring let me know with disgust in his voice.
At this point, I can hardly drive because of our conversation. Now where do YOU think Mama Henley was dragging her offspring, ladies? Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I was overdue and I had to be all fixed up for my trip and that was THAT.
We drove to Melt Out, a darling walk-in day spa that allows children in the waiting room. I set up not one, not two, not even three, but FIVE children in waiting room chairs. I read the board to figure out that my treatment is called the Fine Tune. I signed in and waited. Finally, Miss M called my name and I went back into a quiet room, leaving my children to wait. Let's just say that I was not having a massage. You guessed it. I was there for a bikini wax. Before you call DFACS, the children were safe and well-fed and had no idea what I was doing back there. They thought I was having a massage. Honey, after the interrogation, I NEEDED a massage. For the first time ever, I think I laughed my way through the bikini wax hearing our conversation from the car in my head and wondering what they were thinking now. Thankfully it didn't take long.
I walked out of the room to find our children calmly sitting in their chairs and eating lots of Dum dum lollipops. Don't worry; they had lunch later. I decided to go ahead and have my brows waxed while I was there. They do such a better job compared to my over-tweezing self. As I reclined in the chair, I happened to sense people watching me. I opened my eyes to see not one pair, but SIX PAIRS of eyes staring at me while sounds like, "Ooo.... ouch... yuck" filled my ears. All 5 children and Miss M were looking at my poor eyebrows being waxed. I started laughing uncontrollably at the visual of them trying to watch my OTHER wax this closely. It was too much. I am sure Miss M went home to tell her family about the crazy lady who brought her FIVE children to a bikini wax. But you know what, that's okay. I haven't had a good story in a long time, so I am happy to share, even if it is TMI and I vowed never to talk about such things on my blog. You just can't pass up a good story now, can you?
Dear DH and I are going to have a little getaway this weekend. It is long overdue. There are some other, um, unmentionables that are long overdue as well. SO... I asked the children to please go to the bathroom, gather their DSi or a good book, and hop in the car. Mama Henley was desperate. I know your minds are racing, "For what in the world could I be so desperate? Did Mama Henley take the children to the liquor store?" No! I would never do such a thing as that.
Mama Henley simply stated, "Children, we need to run an errand. You are going to wait in the waiting room while I do something and then we'll leave." Well, Mama Henley has not raised any fools. They don't overlook details... not even the tiniest one. Once we were all in the car, our son asked, "Mama, what are you going to do? Does Daddy know?"
"It's okay, darling. Daddy will understand. It won't take long," I replied.
"Mama, what are you going to do? It sounds inappropriate," our attorney son stated firmly.
"Honey, it's none of your business. It's private," I calmly replied.
"Well, Mama, it sounds inappropriate. I think you are doing inappropriate things. It's giving me the creeps," the judge offspring let me know with disgust in his voice.
At this point, I can hardly drive because of our conversation. Now where do YOU think Mama Henley was dragging her offspring, ladies? Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I was overdue and I had to be all fixed up for my trip and that was THAT.
We drove to Melt Out, a darling walk-in day spa that allows children in the waiting room. I set up not one, not two, not even three, but FIVE children in waiting room chairs. I read the board to figure out that my treatment is called the Fine Tune. I signed in and waited. Finally, Miss M called my name and I went back into a quiet room, leaving my children to wait. Let's just say that I was not having a massage. You guessed it. I was there for a bikini wax. Before you call DFACS, the children were safe and well-fed and had no idea what I was doing back there. They thought I was having a massage. Honey, after the interrogation, I NEEDED a massage. For the first time ever, I think I laughed my way through the bikini wax hearing our conversation from the car in my head and wondering what they were thinking now. Thankfully it didn't take long.
I walked out of the room to find our children calmly sitting in their chairs and eating lots of Dum dum lollipops. Don't worry; they had lunch later. I decided to go ahead and have my brows waxed while I was there. They do such a better job compared to my over-tweezing self. As I reclined in the chair, I happened to sense people watching me. I opened my eyes to see not one pair, but SIX PAIRS of eyes staring at me while sounds like, "Ooo.... ouch... yuck" filled my ears. All 5 children and Miss M were looking at my poor eyebrows being waxed. I started laughing uncontrollably at the visual of them trying to watch my OTHER wax this closely. It was too much. I am sure Miss M went home to tell her family about the crazy lady who brought her FIVE children to a bikini wax. But you know what, that's okay. I haven't had a good story in a long time, so I am happy to share, even if it is TMI and I vowed never to talk about such things on my blog. You just can't pass up a good story now, can you?
bikini wax,
five children,
QUITE an education
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Tuesday's Tip
By now the golden days of summer may have turned a little bit long. Perhaps you have taken all of your fabulous trips, the children have been to camp, and the grandparents are no longer offering respites for Mama and Papa. School looms around the corner, but it's just far enough away that the whines and daily doldrums are getting to you. We have our moments at Mama Henley's house, and they are not always pretty. I can't tell you how many times I have walked into a room that I had recently organized for the 100th time only to find it completely destroyed. That scenario often happens multiple times a day in the Hurricane/Nature Girl room. Those two are more than a little to contend with at times! :)
To combat summer fights and boredom, we have adapted a summer schedule. I encourage the children to sleep in the mornings. They are all awake by 8am, and we have breakfast and clean up our dishes. Then, I do math or reading with one child while the others read, do math problems, practice typing, or practice piano. Everyone has to brush teeth and hair and make their own bed and straighten their room. Some mornings we have a morning Bible story time but sometimes that happens in the evenings or even the afternoon. Our children are not perfect. The Dsis and tv are a constant battle. It never fails that some of the children are not doing what I asked. However, overall, we have been able to accomplish a lot this summer. Everyone has completed their summer reading so everything we read now is just gravy. We are reviewing an entire math curriculum with one of our children, and it has been going remarkably well. Piano keeps us disciplined as well.
In the afternoons, the children play or swim or sometimes we run errands. The children use their imagination all of the time and it is wonderful to hear. I have been trying to do most of my errands at night once they are going to bed. A trip to Publix or Target is much easier solo than with 5 children. Keeping our days fairly organized makes them more enjoyable. I have been able to work with the children individually but I have also taken the time to clean some closets and cut coupons, etc.
Another great advantage of summer is the time to teach life skills to your children. Since we try to eat most of our meals at home, I have been able to let the children help me cook. Today I taught Tiny how to peel and devein shrimp. She took off all of the tails and arranged them on a baking sheet so that we could roast them for our shrimp salad. I didn't plan to have her help me. Rather, she came in the room and asked. So I stopped trying to rush and I taught her what to do. My inclination was to not let her hands get stinky with the shrimp smell, but I am so glad I let her do it. She learned a lot. Then our Nature Girl asked to shuck the corn. Again, I slowed down and taught that baby some life skills. Summer should be slow and enjoyable. Children need time to play. It's also okay to help them keep up the skills they learned during the school year.
I have learned that our best days are the ones that are loosely organized and I am interacting with them and not just living near them. What about you?
To combat summer fights and boredom, we have adapted a summer schedule. I encourage the children to sleep in the mornings. They are all awake by 8am, and we have breakfast and clean up our dishes. Then, I do math or reading with one child while the others read, do math problems, practice typing, or practice piano. Everyone has to brush teeth and hair and make their own bed and straighten their room. Some mornings we have a morning Bible story time but sometimes that happens in the evenings or even the afternoon. Our children are not perfect. The Dsis and tv are a constant battle. It never fails that some of the children are not doing what I asked. However, overall, we have been able to accomplish a lot this summer. Everyone has completed their summer reading so everything we read now is just gravy. We are reviewing an entire math curriculum with one of our children, and it has been going remarkably well. Piano keeps us disciplined as well.
In the afternoons, the children play or swim or sometimes we run errands. The children use their imagination all of the time and it is wonderful to hear. I have been trying to do most of my errands at night once they are going to bed. A trip to Publix or Target is much easier solo than with 5 children. Keeping our days fairly organized makes them more enjoyable. I have been able to work with the children individually but I have also taken the time to clean some closets and cut coupons, etc.
Another great advantage of summer is the time to teach life skills to your children. Since we try to eat most of our meals at home, I have been able to let the children help me cook. Today I taught Tiny how to peel and devein shrimp. She took off all of the tails and arranged them on a baking sheet so that we could roast them for our shrimp salad. I didn't plan to have her help me. Rather, she came in the room and asked. So I stopped trying to rush and I taught her what to do. My inclination was to not let her hands get stinky with the shrimp smell, but I am so glad I let her do it. She learned a lot. Then our Nature Girl asked to shuck the corn. Again, I slowed down and taught that baby some life skills. Summer should be slow and enjoyable. Children need time to play. It's also okay to help them keep up the skills they learned during the school year.
I have learned that our best days are the ones that are loosely organized and I am interacting with them and not just living near them. What about you?
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
DH is such a wise man. I love the way he leads our family and spends time praying about things and talking about them with me. Tonight we were having a discussion about our family. DH pointed out that we only have 9 more years (including this one) of having all of our children under one roof. Wow. He painted a picture for me when he said, "In 9 years we won't have 5 sleeping children in their beds in this house. Three of them will be in college." Wow. I can hardly believe that. Our time as parents at home of these precious babies is halfway over for our oldest three. That is crazy. Lord, how can that be? It seems like just yesterday I was using one spoon to quickly feed three babies their squash baby food! Now they are going into the fourth grade. The time does pass too quickly.
Therefore, we are going to carefully choose how we spend our time. Certainly we have tried to choose wisely how we spend our time in the past, but now we are going to go forward being even more careful. This is it. This is our chance to help our children grow in their love for the Lord. This is our chance to KNOW them well. One day they will leave us and no longer live with us. One day they will be adults. Gasp! This is our time to love them, know them, enjoy them, and to teach them about our dear Lord and all that He has done for us. We get one chance. DH and I don't want to miss a minute with them. Of course we will miss minutes with them, but you know what I mean.
If we spend time away from our family, we want it to be time well-spent. We want to enjoy our time with those who have been true friends, but life is too short to be with those who would not choose to be with us. Our relationship with the Lord and then each other is most important, but our children are next. They have been entrusted to us for a short time. While the days of summer can be long, I am trying to relish these sweet moments of swimming in our pool, going to the library, painting horses, and cooking meals. With the Lord's help, I am trying to carefully discipline when I see disobedience and to leave the room when I'm too angry. I am trying to mold the heart of a stubborn but precious 4 year old and to help a 7 year old with her reading. I am encouraging lots of reading, piano, and math facts. We are talking about the Bible, reading the Bible, and answering catechism questions. We are learning the 10 Commandments thanks to encouragement from Covenant Kids Class. Dh is also reading the first "Harry Potter" book to our oldest children. We are night swimming, playing on the beach, drinking an occasional sprite, and having too many popsicles. We are thanking God for every day we can enjoy these precious children!!!
Therefore, we are going to carefully choose how we spend our time. Certainly we have tried to choose wisely how we spend our time in the past, but now we are going to go forward being even more careful. This is it. This is our chance to help our children grow in their love for the Lord. This is our chance to KNOW them well. One day they will leave us and no longer live with us. One day they will be adults. Gasp! This is our time to love them, know them, enjoy them, and to teach them about our dear Lord and all that He has done for us. We get one chance. DH and I don't want to miss a minute with them. Of course we will miss minutes with them, but you know what I mean.
If we spend time away from our family, we want it to be time well-spent. We want to enjoy our time with those who have been true friends, but life is too short to be with those who would not choose to be with us. Our relationship with the Lord and then each other is most important, but our children are next. They have been entrusted to us for a short time. While the days of summer can be long, I am trying to relish these sweet moments of swimming in our pool, going to the library, painting horses, and cooking meals. With the Lord's help, I am trying to carefully discipline when I see disobedience and to leave the room when I'm too angry. I am trying to mold the heart of a stubborn but precious 4 year old and to help a 7 year old with her reading. I am encouraging lots of reading, piano, and math facts. We are talking about the Bible, reading the Bible, and answering catechism questions. We are learning the 10 Commandments thanks to encouragement from Covenant Kids Class. Dh is also reading the first "Harry Potter" book to our oldest children. We are night swimming, playing on the beach, drinking an occasional sprite, and having too many popsicles. We are thanking God for every day we can enjoy these precious children!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Summer Corn Salad

When we visited the fabulous Julia and David, we were treated to many gourmet meals! The best part is that they took place right there at her dining room table. Julia is a wonderful cook who carefully uses fresh produce and herbs right from her garden! One day at lunch, Julia prepared a delicious corn salad with fresh corn. I did not write down her recipe, so today I created my own summer corn salad. I think you can adjust it as needed and use fresh ingredients that you have on hand to make it even better!
First of all, you need some sweet summer corn. Shuck it and brush it to get rid of the corn silk. Then, carefully cut the corn off of the cob. I did not cook our corn, but those who prefer a hot salad could grill it or saute' the corn in olive oil. I thought the summer sweetness was just perfect without cooking it. I put the corn in a large mixing bowl and added a little olive oil, Maldon sea salt, and fresh pepper. Next, I used ingredients we have in our kitchen including a great tomato, red onion, and fresh basil. Avocado is great too, but ours was not yet ripe. You can use cilantro instead of basil if you want it to taste differently. Chop the ingredients you want to add to the corn and then add them to the large bowl. Taste it to see if you need more salt and pepper. Put it in your refrigerator so that the flavors mix. YUM! You have a healthy and easy side dish! Happy Summer, y'all! Thank you, Julia, for the inspiration!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Boca Grande

I love my husband for many reasons, but one reason is his sense of adventure. He is not afraid to pop five little people in the car for a road trip. We are big advocates of being a tourist in your own state, so that is what we set out to do this fine Saturday morning! We drove about 2 hours to reach Boca Grande. Only DH had been to Boca Grande in the past. It was fun to drive around and see the little town and the Gasparilla Inn. The Pink Elephant, or "The Pink" as it is widely known, was dead, so we decided to eat on the beach at The South Beach Grille. My key lime grilled shrimp wrap was superb and DH loved his blackened grouper sandwich!

After lunch, we drove around and admired the beaches, homes, and the lighthouse. The Florida sun was so hot that we did not play in the sand. However, we DID stop at the Loose Caboose for some ice cream before driving back to Tampa!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
An Email Every Parent Dreads...
LouseCalls is sending you this email anonymously from a friend of yours. Your friend cares about you and wants you to know that you may have recently been in contact with someone that may have head lice, and want you to be on the lookout.
LouseCalls, Florida's most experienced head lice removal service, suggests you follow our 4 C's to determine if anyone in your family has head lice:
First and foremost, remain Calm and don't "Freak Out." Head lice affect millions of people in the United States every year, of all socio-economic levels and backgrounds. Head lice are not a sign of un-cleanliness or an indication that you did anything wrong as a parent.
Check each of your family members for the presence of head lice. For information about what to look for and down to earth facts, visit our web site at
Communicate to other people in your social circle that head lice are around. You can also send this email anonymously by simply filling out the form at Remember, head lice�s best defense technique is the fact that people are embarrassed to communicate to friends and family that they have had lice.
Contact LouseCalls with any questions or comments you may have, or to make an appointment. LouseCalls has helped thousands of families eradicate head lice from their lives since 2005, and we can help you too. Contact LouseCalls directly at 561-3760-1066 or
Warm wishes for a head lice free future!
Amy Graff
LouseCalls, Inc
"No More Louse-y Days"
Can you say, "YUCK!!" I don't know about you, but my head has been itching ever since I read this!!!! Thankfully I have not seen any critters in any of Mama Henley's babies' hair, but rest assured I am on the lookout!!!!
LouseCalls is sending you this email anonymously from a friend of yours. Your friend cares about you and wants you to know that you may have recently been in contact with someone that may have head lice, and want you to be on the lookout.
LouseCalls, Florida's most experienced head lice removal service, suggests you follow our 4 C's to determine if anyone in your family has head lice:
First and foremost, remain Calm and don't "Freak Out." Head lice affect millions of people in the United States every year, of all socio-economic levels and backgrounds. Head lice are not a sign of un-cleanliness or an indication that you did anything wrong as a parent.
Check each of your family members for the presence of head lice. For information about what to look for and down to earth facts, visit our web site at
Communicate to other people in your social circle that head lice are around. You can also send this email anonymously by simply filling out the form at Remember, head lice�s best defense technique is the fact that people are embarrassed to communicate to friends and family that they have had lice.
Contact LouseCalls with any questions or comments you may have, or to make an appointment. LouseCalls has helped thousands of families eradicate head lice from their lives since 2005, and we can help you too. Contact LouseCalls directly at 561-3760-1066 or
Warm wishes for a head lice free future!
Amy Graff
LouseCalls, Inc
"No More Louse-y Days"
Can you say, "YUCK!!" I don't know about you, but my head has been itching ever since I read this!!!! Thankfully I have not seen any critters in any of Mama Henley's babies' hair, but rest assured I am on the lookout!!!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Tuesday's Tip

Are you enjoying summer travels? I know we are!! It is great to get out and explore the country when your children do not have to be in school. Whether you work or stay at home with your children, many people travel during the summer. Favorite destinations include the beach and the mountains.
When we travel, we love to send postcards to family and special friends. I actually like going in the junky tourist shops so that I can buy 10 postcards for $1. In "shi shi" Martha's Vineyard, the postcards could not be found for a bargain. Once I find my postcards, I am very excited. I sit and write while waiting in restaurants or at night in our hotel room or house.

Then what do you do? How do you know everyone's address? How do you mail the postcards. Certainly smartphones have made life easier for us as addresses can be stored right in your phone. I take a copy of our Christmas address list with me when we travel. I also go to the post office in our hometown before we leave and buy a sheet or more of postcard stamps. Then, once I write the postcards, I can drop them in the mail! Therefore the postcards will have the cool postmark of whatever fun place we are visiting at the time rather than the postcard of our hometown. Don't you just love it?! Go out and buy your postcard stamps right now before your next trip! You can even keep them at the ready in your purse! Don't forget a favorite pen as well:). Happy Travels!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Favorite Chef's Knife

I have some nice Henkel knives that I have enjoyed. We have a set of them. They work well, but I think I may want a chef's knife or santoku knife for my birthday or Christmas gift. A local chef recommended Wusthof, which is what believe my chef cousin uses. What do you recommend? I would LOVE to hear your favorites!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Precious Leiby Kletzky
After posting about NYC on Monday, I am so sad to hear the story of sweet Leiby Kletzky. The sweet 8-year old asked for directions as he walked just a few blocks home from camp. Little Leiby had begged his parents to let him walk home alone just a few blocks from camp. He became turned around and asked for directions. Unfortunately, the man whom he asked directions kidnapped Leiby and ultimately killed this sweet little boy. My mind cannot grasp it. It is my worst fear. I cannot understand such a horrific act on such a sweet boy.
I am left to just pray for Leiby and his parents. Dear Lord, please protect our children. Please comfort the parents of Leiby Kletzky. Please let them know that you are real and that you are their Savior who loves them. Please comfort this community. Thank you for loving us more than we can understand. Amen.
I am left to just pray for Leiby and his parents. Dear Lord, please protect our children. Please comfort the parents of Leiby Kletzky. Please let them know that you are real and that you are their Savior who loves them. Please comfort this community. Thank you for loving us more than we can understand. Amen.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Start Spreading the News...
Our precious miracle triplets just turned ten this spring. I still can't believe it! Our 2 pound babies are no longer babies! Can you believe that my sweet parents took these three to NYC to celebrate their tenth birthday?! What a trip! Thankfully I was able to go along as a chaperone due to the graciousness of my brother and sister in law who kept the little sisters.
When we arrived in New York, we were greeted by a limo. The children squealed and loved drinking a sprite on the way into the city! We had adventure after adventure, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!
New York City,
tenth birthday,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Rustic Bakery Crackers

I can hardly wait to tell y'all about the fun we've been having this summer! We just returned from a fabulous trip to Martha's Vineyard to see our dear friends. It was an INCREDIBLE trip and I will fill you in on all of the fun details later. Right now I need to wash off the airplane and travel scum and snuggle with my sweetie:).
When visiting Julia, everything is special from the sheets to the bathroom soaps to her house decorations. While shopping in Edgartown, we had these very special Rustic Bakery crackers. Wow! They were fantastic. We tried them at "The Black Sheep", a new cheese shop and charcuterie. I had the best brie I've ever tasted. The brie was even more fabulous with these special crackers. I brought home a package to share with guests here, but I am hopeful that I will be able to find them at The Fresh Market or some other local store. I hope you can find them to enjoy them too!
Martha's Vineyard,
Rustic Bakery,
The Black Sheep
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tuesday's Tip!

I sure have missed you all. Prayerfully I can get back in the swing of things! I have learned quite a few tips from others this summer. As we were leaving Raleigh recently for yet another 12 hour drive, my friend,Nancy, had a great recommendation for us. She said that they always visit their local Redbox prior to trips and rent a few movies. At just $1 each, you can rent several movies for an upcoming trip. The best part is that Nancy said she simply returns them along the way because Redbox locations are now so abundant! Do you not just LOVE that?! The best part is that it lessens the clutter in your car because you can actually RETURN THEM before you embark on your journey home. You can also decide to rent "just one more!"
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I have missed you!
Wow. Summer is here. She is going strong. I have been so remiss in blogging for the past several months. Life has really swept me along and I have missed blogging. As a stay at home mama, it's nice to have an outlet, and blogging is mine. I enjoy reading about others and writing as well.
Our last day of school was May 26th. It was also the day we left for Camp Greystone. Every spring, the girls and I can hardly WAIT to get back to camp! It's hard to believe our time there has already past for 2011. We would love for our two oldest to attend a longer session next year. They have been Junior Campers for FIVE YEARS!!! They are old pros. Greystone is an amazing place for girls. Everything has a purpose. That ultimate purpose is to glorify God in ALL things. Nonetheless, there is a reason for everything... the length of each class period, the evening programs, the meals, Breakfast Club, the placement of the bunk beds, et cetera. They plan well and carefully change those things that need tweaking. Greystone is a gift, a true blessing. I am so thankful that our girls are part of the Greystone family. They will be blessed by Greystone throughout their lives. If you have a little girl or a niece, you should look into Greystone. Tell Jimboy that Mama Henley sent you!! You will LOVE Jimboy's daily blog posts.

After camp, I drove home with our 4 girls. I can't tell you how HAPPY I was to finally make it home after our second 12 hour drive. Whew. It took forever, but we made it! DH was so happy to have his girls home again. We arrived home on a Friday night and the next morning our girls had their recital rehearsal. Their recital was the following day. What incredible ballerinas we have!
I can't wait to tell you more about our summer thus far. It has been very rich!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I just love summer recipes that are light and refreshing, don't you?! This past Sunday my sweet friend made these fabulous wraps for our church potluck. Let's just say that I wish I had taken two. They were THAT good. You can substitute a store-bought recipe as needed.
Asian Chicken Salad Wraps
1-2 teaspoons olive oil
6 (4 oz.) skinless, boned chicken breast halves (or you can use roasted chicken)
1 cup cucumber, chopped, seeded and peeled... I don't worry about the seeds
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon minced, peeled fresh ginger- if your store does not offer fresh ginger, then try 1 1/2 tsp. dried ginger
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon soy sauce- low sodium is better for you
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
1 garlic clove, crushed
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
2 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
8 (8 inch) fat-free flour tortillas
4 cups chopped romaine lettuce
Heat oil in a large, nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook for 5 minutes on each side or until done. Remove from pan; cool. Shred chicken into bite-size pieces. Otherwise, pull and shred roasted chicken. Place chicken, cucumber and bell pepper in a large bowl.
Process sugar, ginger, lime juice, soy sauce, salt, red pepper and garlic in a blender until smooth. Add peanut butter and water; blend. Combine peanut butter and chicken mixtures; stir. Add cilantro; toss.
Warm tortillas according to package directions. Spoon 1/2 cup chicken mixture and 1/2 cup lettuce onto each tortilla; roll up. Serve and enjoy!
You can also make a similar dressing and pour it over Japanese soba noodles and add fresh red pepper and cucumbers. I think it would also be good with peanuts or cashews in the recipe! Are you hungry now?
This recipe was altered but is similar to a recipe by ALL YOU magazine!
ginger peanut chicken salad wraps,
Monday, June 6, 2011
Tuesday's Tip... Camp Greystone and Alpine Camp

The girls and I had the BEST TIME EVER at Camp Greystone. It is truly a taste of Heaven. Greystone is a wonderful Christian girls' camp in the North Carolina mountains. The camp has been owned and operated for 92 years by the same family for 4 generations. The 5th generation is growing into adulthood faster than I can blink! The Miller family is a godly family who truly put the Lord first in all that they do. The camp is the BEST of everything. The staff is the best in the country, the camp itself is just beautiful, the food that Gervais whips up is marvelous, and they offer every activity from sailing to horseback riding to glass bead making to fencing to puppy camp to cooking. It is truly incredible. Each day is more fun and lively than the next. I could go on and on and on, but I know you have other things to do! You really should consider sending your daughter to Camp Greystone. If you do, tell Jimboy that Mama Henley sent you! :)
Since Greystone is so wonderful, it was difficult to find a comparable camp for our boy. He has been with us to Greystone, so he KNOWS how special camp can be. After experiencing Greystone, you just can't settle for less. Therefore, we searched for the BEST BOYS camp for our precious boy, and we found it. Alpine Camp in Mentone, Alabama is for boys what Greystone is for girls. It is a camp run by the same family for 50 years and the second generation is now running the camp. It is also a Christian mountain camp and it is for BOYS. Our boy is there now, and from the looks of things, he is having a BALL!! So, my Tuesday's Tip is to check out the BEST CAMP FOR GIRLS and the BEST CAMP FOR BOYS! Be sure to tell them that Mama Henley sent you!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday's Tip
Can you believe summer is just around the corner?! I know we can't believe it at Mama Henley's house. Before we know it, we'll be headed back to Camp Greystone! Oh, how we love that place! I love helping give first-time camp mamas some helpful hints. One thing I always try to remember to do on Opening Day is to carry a Sharpie black marker in my pocket or pocketbook. You never know when you'll need to put a name on a book, pillow case, or new pair of socks that you inadvertently forgot to mark. Plus,you may go to the Shoppe and buy your little darling a camp blanket or water bottle, and she'll need her name on those too! So, as you prepare to embark on your little one's camp journey, pack a Sharpie marker in your purse!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Carolina in My Mind
I have loved our new life here in Florida. It really is a wonderful place to raise a family. However, the last few months have been extremely challenging. That is an understatement. The last few months have just about robbed me of any gusto and joy. I haven't blogged because I don't like to be Debbie Downer. I have tried to glorify God in this blog and to keep a heavenly perspective during earthly trials. I still have that perspective and know that my life here on this earth is temporary. Tampa, Florida is not my final destination. Heaven is. That makes the hard days much sweeter. Knowing that I am loved by a God who is much bigger than me and my problems is what has saved me.
Nonetheless, after weeks of tough days, today has been a really tough one. In all honesty, I am sad today. I have tried to have an upbeat and happy blog. I am upbeat and happy but not right this minute. I hurt. I long to live in a place where I am related to someone in the state. I have no kin in Florida. I'm not sure "my people" every ventured this far south. Sometimes I feel like an island. Jesus is my rock, but I still can feel like I'm floating at times. He doesn't waver; my circumstances do. He is firm, steady, always here for me. I have been seeking Him and speaking to Him so much He's about to discontinue my service plan:).
I do love Tampa, and I'll be all Tampa-crazy tomorrow. But for today, Carolina is in my mind. I miss it. The lyrics below speak to me:
Carolina in my mind
(words and music by James Taylor)
In my mind, I'm gone to Carolina.
Can't you see the sunshine.
Can't you just feel the moon shinin'
Ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind.
Yes I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
Karen, she's a silver sun.
You best walk her way and watch it shinin'.
Watch her watch the morning come.
A silver tear appearing now, I'm crying - ain't I?
I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
There ain't no doubt in no one's mind
that love's the finest thing around.
Whisper something soft and kind.
Hey, babe, the sky's on fire, I'm dying - ain't I?
I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
In my mind I'm gone to Carolina.
Can't you see the sunshine.
Can't you just feel the moon shining
Ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind.
Yes, I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
Dark and silent late last night I think I might have heard the highway call
Geese in flight and dogs that bite.
And signs that might be omens say I'm goin', goin'...
I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
With a holy host of others standing around me,
still I'm on the dark side of the moon.
And it seems like it goes on like this forever.
you must forgive me.
If I'm up and gone to Carolina in my mind.
In my mind I'm gone to Carolina.
Can't you see the sunshine
Can't just you feel the moon shinin'
Ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind.
Yes, I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
Gone to Carolina in my mind.
Gone to Carolina in my mind.
Gone to Carolina in my mind.
Nonetheless, after weeks of tough days, today has been a really tough one. In all honesty, I am sad today. I have tried to have an upbeat and happy blog. I am upbeat and happy but not right this minute. I hurt. I long to live in a place where I am related to someone in the state. I have no kin in Florida. I'm not sure "my people" every ventured this far south. Sometimes I feel like an island. Jesus is my rock, but I still can feel like I'm floating at times. He doesn't waver; my circumstances do. He is firm, steady, always here for me. I have been seeking Him and speaking to Him so much He's about to discontinue my service plan:).
I do love Tampa, and I'll be all Tampa-crazy tomorrow. But for today, Carolina is in my mind. I miss it. The lyrics below speak to me:
Carolina in my mind
(words and music by James Taylor)
In my mind, I'm gone to Carolina.
Can't you see the sunshine.
Can't you just feel the moon shinin'
Ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind.
Yes I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
Karen, she's a silver sun.
You best walk her way and watch it shinin'.
Watch her watch the morning come.
A silver tear appearing now, I'm crying - ain't I?
I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
There ain't no doubt in no one's mind
that love's the finest thing around.
Whisper something soft and kind.
Hey, babe, the sky's on fire, I'm dying - ain't I?
I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
In my mind I'm gone to Carolina.
Can't you see the sunshine.
Can't you just feel the moon shining
Ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind.
Yes, I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
Dark and silent late last night I think I might have heard the highway call
Geese in flight and dogs that bite.
And signs that might be omens say I'm goin', goin'...
I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
With a holy host of others standing around me,
still I'm on the dark side of the moon.
And it seems like it goes on like this forever.
you must forgive me.
If I'm up and gone to Carolina in my mind.
In my mind I'm gone to Carolina.
Can't you see the sunshine
Can't just you feel the moon shinin'
Ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind.
Yes, I'm gone to Carolina in my mind.
Gone to Carolina in my mind.
Gone to Carolina in my mind.
Gone to Carolina in my mind.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday's Tip

It's that time of the year of Mother's Day teas, end of the year parties, and luncheons with the ladies. In fact, there is always an occasion for finger sandwiches! I will share the BEST cucumber sandwiches. My Tuesday's Tip is at the bottom of the recipe. If you prepare your sandwiches in advance or are taking them to a party, it is important that you dampen a paper towel and put it over the sandwiches. You can do this on the tray by covering the sandwiches in the paper towel and then with tin foil. Another idea is to place the sandwiches in ziploc bags with the paper towels on either side of the sandwiches. This keeps your sandwiches from drying out before the party!
Cucumber Tea Sandwiches
1 seedless cucumber, sliced thin
¼ cup white wine vinegar
1T salt (divided)
4 oz cream cheese, softened
½ cup butter, softened
1 clove garlic, minced
6 green onions, roughly chopped
1T fresh lemon juice
1t lemon zest
½ t freshly ground pepper
1t fresh dill (or ¼ t dried), plus dill sprigs for garnish
1 loaf thinly sliced white bread
Place the cucumber slices in a colander set in the sink. Pour the vinegar and 2 teaspoons of the salt over them. Drain for 20 minutes, then remove the cucumber slices from the colander and pat dry.
In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade, combine the cream cheese, butter, garlic, green onions, lemon juice, zest, the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, pepper and dill. Process until the mixture is smooth.
Cut into the bread slices with a 2-inch round cookie cutter. Place the rounds in an airtight zip-top bag until you’re ready to assemble the sandwiches.
Spread the cream cheese mixture on the bread slices. Top with cucumber slices and garnish with a little sprig of fresh dill. Serve immediately.
(This recipe makes “open faced” sandwiches. I used a smaller cookie cutter and topped the sandwiches with another piece of bread. Assemble either way! If you prepare them ahead of time, cover the sandwiches with a damp paper towel in a zip-top bag – this will keep them from drying out.)

Monday, May 9, 2011
Tuesday's Tip!

This week's tip can be used for both sad and happy times. When a baby is born or there is a death in the family, it is often a time when loved ones send flowers. Many times one receives a plethora of beautiful arrangements. The occasion itself may overwhelm one enough that you cannot remember which flowers were given to you by which friend.
Therefore, Mama Henley has a system that helps. Years ago after a sudden hospitalization, I received flowers. I took a picture of each arrangement. It is helpful to either have a separate written log with a description of the flowers and who sent them, or to simply photograph the card and the flowers together. This way, when write your notes of appreciation, you can mention what made the flowers special or which flower in the arrangement was most fragrant or your favorite. In fact, you may want to include a picture of the arrangement in your envelope. It pleases the giver to be able to see that his or her arrangement was indeed as beautiful as he or she hoped!
When we lost my sweet father in law, I took pictures of every arrangement, including the casket spray. We were overcome with grief and were not able to fully enjoy the flowers at their finest. However, we have been able to look at the pictures to see the pretty flowers and to remember how loved we felt. Happy Tuesday's Tip!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tuesday's Tip

It is Tuesday and I have missed giving my tips! We have been road warriors as of late. It is no easy task to drive 12 hours with a family of seven! It is definitely not for the weak of heart. I have many tips that I employ on our trips. I always carry a cooler filled with fruit, yogurt, and cheese for healthier snack options. However, my favorite tip is to carry refillable water bottles with you whenever you travel. It makes SUCH a difference! I fill each child's water bottle with ice and water and place it in a cup holder near each of their seats. Then, whenever they are thirsty, they have fresh water available. We often stop at Zaxby's because they have drink stations. Many McDonald's do as well. We use the bathroom and then refill our water bottles with water and ice. I've even asked for a cup of ice to add to our cooler. We patronize the restaurant in some way by buying a drink or meal. Having the water bottles handle saves us on soft drinks and allows the children to stay hydrated. We will sometimes have a sprite as a treat or sometimes I carry lemonade in the cooler.
The triplets were given a fantastic new water bottle for their tenth birthday! Our dear friend gave them Bobble water bottles. Bobbles are great because they come with a built-in filter so that your little one's water is always fresh and filtered. We love our Bobbles!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Where Oh Where has Mama Henley Gone?
Those who know me know that I love to write and communicate. The written word is a wonderful gift. Unfortunately, life has taken me by the tail and is just now loosening her grip on me! Mama Henley's house is never boring, and this blog has been a respite for me in the midst of daily chaos. As an aside, I adore the chaos that is our life, and would be sad and lonely without it! Anyway, our daily chores and to do's are enough to keep me busy for many years to come. Recently we have had some added things on our proverbial plate. Therefore, I have had no time to breathe, much less blog or keep a perfect house.
We are all well. We have just had some things going on which have led us to a lot of prayer and a time of looking at our priorities for our little family. Thankfully this has nothing to do with our health or Dh's job, but rather how we educate our sweet children. We LOVE a Classical Christian education. It has proven to be the best option for our children. They have truly grown in wisdom and knowledge. Their relationships with the Lord have also grown. They have learned Latin, Singapore Math, and grammar. Their school is a firm foundation, and we are so thankful. The school is going through some changes, so we are praying about where the Lord is leading us for next year. It may look a lot like this year, or He may have a new path for us. Thank you for understanding my absence and for being here upon my return!
This weekend we are excited to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Easter Sunday is a reminder of His gift of eternal life. He is RISEN, indeed! Happy EAster, y'all!
We are all well. We have just had some things going on which have led us to a lot of prayer and a time of looking at our priorities for our little family. Thankfully this has nothing to do with our health or Dh's job, but rather how we educate our sweet children. We LOVE a Classical Christian education. It has proven to be the best option for our children. They have truly grown in wisdom and knowledge. Their relationships with the Lord have also grown. They have learned Latin, Singapore Math, and grammar. Their school is a firm foundation, and we are so thankful. The school is going through some changes, so we are praying about where the Lord is leading us for next year. It may look a lot like this year, or He may have a new path for us. Thank you for understanding my absence and for being here upon my return!
This weekend we are excited to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Easter Sunday is a reminder of His gift of eternal life. He is RISEN, indeed! Happy EAster, y'all!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Tuesday's Tip
At Mama Henley's house, we love to take our children out to eat. We don't do it as often as I would like, but whenever we do visit local restaurants, we try to arrive prepared. The best thing you can do for your children in ANY situation is to explain what they should expect. Our conversations are similar to this:
Mama Henley: "Children, we are going to visit a restaurant tonight for dinner. This is a big treat as Daddy is going to treat us and Mama Henley will not have to cook. It is very expensive to go out to eat, so you need to be careful when you order so that you will eat every bite. In fact, you may want to split a meal with your brother or sister.
We are going to walk in the restaurant and it will probably be fairly quiet. Do you think we should walk in the restaurant and talk loudly?"
Children: "NO!!! We should use our quiet inside voices."
Mama Henley: "That's exactly right. Now a hostess is going to seat us at our table and she will give each of us a menu. What do you tell her when she gives you a menu?"
Children: "We will tell her, 'thank you'."
Mama Henley: "Good! If the server asks you what you would like to drink, you will respond, 'Water please'. I will happily give you something else to drink at home, but unless the child's meal comes with a drink, you will drink water."
Children: "Yes, m'am."
Mama Henley: "You may then read your menu to determine what you would like to eat. They probably have chicken fingers, salad, macaroni and cheese, pasta with red sauce, or a hot dog or hamburger. They may have pizza. How many of you would like chicken fingers? " (I then go through the menu and determine what everyone would like to order. We try to share plates because our 5 usually cannot eat an entire meal by themselves.
Mama Henley: "Once you have ordered, you may sit quietly while we wait for our food to be served. Remember to keep your napkin and hands in your lap. When you eat, use one hand to hold your fork and be sure to chew with your mouth closed. When I was a child, we were told to thank the server up to three times throughout the meal. You do not have to thank your server every time he brings you something, but you should smile politely."
I let the children know behavioral expectations in advance. I also inform them if they are allowed to have dessert. We rarely have dessert unless it is included. In fact, I rarely serve dessert at home.
Our dinners are usually better if I have clearly outlined my expectations. When children understand that eating out is special, they are more likely to respect it and behave accordingly:).
I also try to bring crayons and paper into a restaurant. We have bought Doodle Menus and I keep a case of markers, crayons, and colored pencils in my car. What do you do when you take your children out to eat?
Monday, April 4, 2011
Life has been a bit fuller lately at Mama Henley's house. Thankfully we have had a very "well" winter and spring has welcomed us with her sunny skies and trees full of pollen. We dodged some tornadoes last week and are going forward. The tornadoes were actually literal and not figurative this time! :)
Our sermons at church have been so wonderful. We have been learning about being heaven-minded for those who believe in Christ as their Savior are actually citizens of Heaven rather than citizens of this world. What does that mean? How should my life look different than that of my neighbor? DOES it look any different? Are my personal convictions clear or do I live my life in such a way that no one can see my convictions? How am I training up my children? Am I using the lens of focusing heavenward when I walk with them, talk with them, and teach them?
These are the things that God is teaching me and that I am weighing heavily in my heart. My biggest prayer is that I will know the Lord and thus teach my children about Him and that my life will reflect the many ways He is working in me. Do others see me being sanctified or simply slipping down the slippery slope?
I know this is a bit of a heavy blog post, but as I wrestle with these things, I thought I would share. Perhaps I will lose readers, but that is okay. I will have plenty of lighthearted posts too for life at Mama Henley's house is never dull!
Our sermons at church have been so wonderful. We have been learning about being heaven-minded for those who believe in Christ as their Savior are actually citizens of Heaven rather than citizens of this world. What does that mean? How should my life look different than that of my neighbor? DOES it look any different? Are my personal convictions clear or do I live my life in such a way that no one can see my convictions? How am I training up my children? Am I using the lens of focusing heavenward when I walk with them, talk with them, and teach them?
These are the things that God is teaching me and that I am weighing heavily in my heart. My biggest prayer is that I will know the Lord and thus teach my children about Him and that my life will reflect the many ways He is working in me. Do others see me being sanctified or simply slipping down the slippery slope?
I know this is a bit of a heavy blog post, but as I wrestle with these things, I thought I would share. Perhaps I will lose readers, but that is okay. I will have plenty of lighthearted posts too for life at Mama Henley's house is never dull!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tuesday's Tip

I just love to cook!!! It is almost 10pm and I realized I am supposed to have dessert for one of the preschool teachers tomorrow. The 2 vegetable dishes will have to be taken care of in the morning, but I pulled together my supplies and just made 2 chocolate chess pies. Thank goodness I had one can of evaporated milk!!!
When baking cakes and pies, you will sometimes fill the pan too full. As the pie cooks or the cake rises, sometimes batter will roll down the side and onto your oven. I have had this happen one too many times. Now I make my pies and place the pans on a cookie sheet and then slide the cookie sheet inside the oven. Any spills will now drip onto the cookie sheet, and not my clean oven! Happy Tuesday's Tip!
chocolate chess pie,
Tuesday's tip
Monday, March 28, 2011
Helping Children are HAPPY Children!

As a mother of five children, I have a lot to manage. When everyone takes off their clothes for the day, I have 7 pairs of underwear, 12 pairs of socks, and too many pieces of clothing to count to wash. Our washing machine and dishwasher rarely take a break. In fact, most days I feel like I never leave the kitchen where both of those machines reside!
Therefore, I have been trying to think of ways to alleviate some of my workload. I just can't keep picking up the same puzzle or game board every day. Our children are now triplets who are almost 10, a 7-almost-8 year old, and a 4 year old. While it saddens me that they are no longer 5, 3, and newborn, life has marched on (right across my face!). Therefore, I expect the children to help me with daily tasks.

We do not have a chore chart at our house simply because I expect everyone to help whenever I ask. On certain days one child may carry the heaviest work load while having a lighter load or no load at all on another day. It's not ever going to be even, but we all must help.
If your children are age 2, then they can help you put away their toys and books. They can run and get a diaper for you for the new baby. They can even empty a trash can into the kitchen trash can. At around ages 3 and 4, a child can really help put away their toys in a neater manner. They can brush their teeth, go potty, flush the toilet, and fill a cup (or many buckets) full of water. They may be able to put away their underwear or socks if you direct them on how to do it.
A 5 and 6 year old can collect trash cans from around the house and empty them. They can make their bed, brush their teeth, and even begin to bathe themselves entirely! They can help you set the table or unload the dishwasher.
Seven and eight year olds are big helpers. Our big girls could take care of a young baby, feed a bottle, fold clothes, make their beds better than mine, and serve dinner plates at that age. Now that they are close to 10, they can make the water bottles for school, pack lunches, fill the dishwasher, fold clothes, put away clothes, vacuum, and mop. In fact, our 4 year old LOVES to mop!

Children of around age 7 or older should know how to clean a toilet. Buy the supplies and show them how to do it. We keep a pink sponge for the sink and a different sponge for the toilet and then I always microwave them to kill germs. Explain to your child that the cleaners are poisonous and that you want to wear gloves and old clothes when using chemicals. If your child is not trustworthy with chemicals, then you will need to oversee this chore.
Our friends just visited this weekend and her children loaded all of their dishes in our dishwasher once they were excused from the table. Guess what our children did tonight? They loaded the dishwasher! I am having to let go a little because I like my dishwasher loaded a certain way. I showed them how I like it loaded and explained why. They did a good job of doing it just that way!
What chores do your little ones do? Do you have any questions?
children helping,
cleaning house
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Oh Immersion Blender, how I love you

My sweet brother and sister-in-law heard me say that I would love an Immersion Blender. Well, guess what those sweet things gave me for Christmas?! I LOVE it! I was just making our Sunday dinner in advance and I tried it in our mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes have never been mashed so effortlessly!
Do you have an immersion blender? How do you love to use it? I think it is the greatest invention!
Monday, March 21, 2011
American Girl Dolls
American Girl Dolls are a right of passage for most little girls these days. Some families have whole rooms full of dolls, their dresses, and their gear. It is quite an overwhelming enterprise with the ability to buy your doll everything, and I do mean everything, from a wheel chair to a braces kit, to her very own horse with his very own saddle! At Mama Henley's house, American Girl dolls are IT. Our dolls have been the center of birthday parties, they have been to camp, and they've flown as much as our real live children have flown! They have had their nails "painted", had their hair professionally put in an up do, and have sat through the entire service at church. These girls live the life!
We have four girls. After our triplets turned 6, they were able to have their very first American girl doll. DH and I made a conscious decision that our girls would only be allowed to have one doll and that they could only have that doll if they were 6 years of age or older, in hopes that they would be able to take care of their doll. We think the dolls are wonderful, but we decided we wanted their one doll to be very special and we are amazed at how well it has worked. The girls chose their favorite doll and that year the two big girls received Emily Bennett and Rachael ( a just like me doll that D named after her soon-to-be-aunt) for their main Christmas gift. These dolls have delighted these girls ever since! The triplets will soon be 10 (I can't believe it!), and they love their dolls as much today as they did three years ago! Some of you may think it is silly for a 10 year old to play with dolls, but I love that our girls still enjoy their American girl dolls and take great care to dress them and play with them whenever possible. At 9 1/2, they each had one thing they really wanted for their doll for Christmas.
I believe that letting your daughter have one doll allows her to not be overwhelmed by having too many dolls to love. Having an abundance of the dolls seems to often (not always) make them less special. Our girls really treasure their dolls. Of course having a sister just 2 years younger created a problem. The Bug really wanted to be like her big sisters. She was 4 when they received their doll. We did not feel she was old enough to really care for the doll. Therefore, we bought her the mock American girl doll from Target. She loved dressing her and playing with her. However, the hair was cheap and became one big knot. She passed for 2 years, but she was not the real thing. A year and a half ago the Bug turned 6. We surprised her with a trip to the Atlanta store where she chose Kit as her birthday gift from her Mimi. Kit has been a delightful addition to our home and the Bug had a Kit themed party for her 7th birthday last summer. DH and I love to see our girls interact with each other and their dolls. As a matter of fact, Kit has Ray Ray and Emily Bennett spending the night in her room tonight!
The dolls are great fun. Yes, the store is considered cheesy and over-the-top by some. The NYC store is 3 stories and can be overwhelming. Nonetheless, it is great for girls to use their gift of nurture to love and care for a doll. We have kept this fascination in tow by not buying them everything they want when the catalog comes to our home. Of course they WANT everything, but we make them choose ONE thing. For Christmas, they each received just ONE American girl accessory or outfit. They pored over the catalog and truly chose carefully. They take care of what they have been given.
Now you know Hurricane lives here too and she was DYING for an "mercanguhldoll". She turned 4 this Christmas, which is not 6. So, she, too, received a mock American girl doll. Hers is a step up from the Target brand as it is a Madame Alexander copy which we found at Costco. She LOVES her doll and jumps right in to playing with her sisters. In two years, we'll have to make a trek to the store to let her choose her forever doll. Since she is my last little girl, we just may have to take all 4 girls to New York to the big store!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Blogger's Day of Silence

Tomorrow many bloggers will be participating in a Blogger's Day of Silence in honor of the country of Japan. It will also be a day to remember those who were killed in this awful earthquake and tsunami. Please consider donating to your church or the Red Cross in order to help with humanitarian efforts to restore food, water, and shelter to these people.
On Friday, March 18th, I will not post on my blog and hope that many other bloggers will consider doing the same. Above all, please pray that the nuclear plant issues will be saved and for the Lord's good guidance in all things!!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I won! I won! I won!!! I won a $25 gift card to Firehouse Subs! That makes one HAPPY Mama Henley!!!! All I did was go online and enter their best sub contest! They are down to the final 2 subs. I can't believe I really won! The prize came in the mail yesterday. Guess where we're going to eat tomorrow night?!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tuesday's Tip

Honey, do you remember when we talked about rotisserie chickens? Well, I have another tip for you! Not only is it easier to pick your chickens while they're hot, but you'll be even happier if you do it with GLOVES covering your pretty hands! My friend, Wendy, is so smart. She bought a box of surgical gloves. Whenever she is deboning a chicken, she puts on a pair of these gloves. At first it may seem wasteful, but it is so smart. Wearing the gloves protects your hands and it keeps it more sanitary. When you are finished deboning the chicken, you simply throw away the gloves! Don't you feel smart now?! I know I do!
roasted chicken,
Rotisserie Chicken,
Tuesday's tip
Monday, March 14, 2011
A Day at the Farm
Our youngest, Hurricane, had the most fun field trip on Friday! We were able to visit a local farm called "Horsepower for Kids". It was the neatest place! The farm was filled with horses and all kinds of farm animals. They even had some more exotic animals like a llama! We had a wonderful morning "out in the country".
Life is so different for our children. As children, we had some electronics like Merlin, Math Professor, and Atari, but we were not inundated with them. Our lives were spent playing games outside like Tag, Red Rover, and Mother May I. We rode bikes, made potions, and played boys against the girls. Today's children spend less time in free play and more time in structured activities or with the tv, computer, or a handheld electronic device. Our morning at the farm was so precious because it allowed the children to enjoy God's beautiful creation. He made us! He also made donkeys, zebra, goats, pigs,and chickens!
The children delighted in chasing chickens, feeding carrots to the goats, and even riding ponies (we had to leave before the pony rides commenced!). Did you know goats like carrots? I did not, but apparently they do! One big goat literally chased us for the carrots we had brought to feed the horses!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sound the Alarms! Mama Henley is going down!!!

I consider myself somewhat computer savvy in that I have a blog and can search the internet with the best of them. Now, if you have a real technical problem, I am not the girl to call, but if you want cheap tickets to Paris, I'm your gal. I can navigate safari! This morning I had a little one to one at the Apple store because I have used up all but 2G of my 250G hard drive! Now what is Mama Henley to do? I just can't trust those external hard drives to really hold all of my info, so I met with an Apple Genius for some help.
We finished our hour lesson where I felt more like a fool than a wise man. My one to one man had moved on to his Snickers bar in the break room. I decided that my lap top needed a little charge while I waited for some files to be deleted. This was my mistake. Earlier I had realized that there was no place to plug my power supply, so I had used the cord that was plugged into one of the store's laptops. After a while, I plugged it back in to the Apple laptop. Well, I decided to use some of their power once more. The only problem is that I detached the wrong cord. AND IT SET OFF THE STORE ALARM!!!! Suddenly an alarm louder than all 5 of my children screaming at once began to sound. It was LOUD. IT was RELENTLESS. And it would not STOP. At this point, I was so nervous and afraid I was going to the slammer, that I could not plug the silly plug back in. I thought it was like a car alarm and would stop the alarm. I was not so fortunate! I told the Apple genius closest to me that I was so sorry but that I was so nervous I could not plug it back in the laptop. I looked around at people staring at me like I'm an idiot! The man closest to me looked at me while he covered his ears with his hands!!! At long last, a man arrived with a key and stopped the dreaded alarm. I asked him to please forgive me and told him repeatedly how sorry I was for sounding the alarm. He was very kind and told me it happens all of the time.
So, I felt like an old dinosaur who has no idea how to work these new-fangled computers, so dejected, I packed my bags and headed out into the Florida sunshine!
Tuesday's Tip

I was honored recently to be asked to help a friend in the kitchen at a ladies' luncheon. I had nothing to do with preparing the food, rather, I helped her plate it so that 84 ladies could be fed in an easy fashion. The plates held quiche, green salad, pasta salad, and a muffin. I was not in my own kitchen, so it was difficult to know where utensils were located in this kitchen. It was time to scoop the pasta salad on the plates, so I looked around for a spoon. I did not find one, however, I DID find a one cup measuring spoon. It was the PERFECT size! I scooped 1 cup servings of pasta salad onto each plate. It was the perfect amount of food and looked delightful on the plates!
measuring cup,
Tuesday's tip
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Hey Cute Readers...
Happy March!
I feel so behind. What happened to February? And January? I mean, time is flying at Mama Henley's house. Time has me by the tail and I am losing! I haven't finished our taxes, I still have some Christmas cards I haven't sent, and my coupons are taking over. In fact, DH offered to help me because I have so many to cut. So, we've been fellowshipping over coupons and newspapers and scissors. I am one blessed girl!
I feel like I can never get our house in order. No matter how hard I try, I fail. I weeded so many clothes out of my closet that I hardly have any pants to wear! I just haven't finished my re-do. I have been trying to go through all of our closets and drawers and I purge and purge some more, but our stuff has babies.
I have a friend who keeps an amazing house. Clutter flees from her home like women running to a great sale at Target. She has mastered the art of caring for her home. I have mastered the art of working harder than any woman in America and looking like I must watch soap operas all day. If you can believe it, I haven't seen one Charlie Sheen interview. Not even one. I know he's been saying crazy things, but I haven't watched any of it. I've been too busy picking up the same toys in Hurricane's bedroom and trying to match our endless supply of socks! Do you ever feel this way? I feel like a complete failure in so many ways because I just can never do enough. How do you do it all?
I feel so behind. What happened to February? And January? I mean, time is flying at Mama Henley's house. Time has me by the tail and I am losing! I haven't finished our taxes, I still have some Christmas cards I haven't sent, and my coupons are taking over. In fact, DH offered to help me because I have so many to cut. So, we've been fellowshipping over coupons and newspapers and scissors. I am one blessed girl!
I feel like I can never get our house in order. No matter how hard I try, I fail. I weeded so many clothes out of my closet that I hardly have any pants to wear! I just haven't finished my re-do. I have been trying to go through all of our closets and drawers and I purge and purge some more, but our stuff has babies.
I have a friend who keeps an amazing house. Clutter flees from her home like women running to a great sale at Target. She has mastered the art of caring for her home. I have mastered the art of working harder than any woman in America and looking like I must watch soap operas all day. If you can believe it, I haven't seen one Charlie Sheen interview. Not even one. I know he's been saying crazy things, but I haven't watched any of it. I've been too busy picking up the same toys in Hurricane's bedroom and trying to match our endless supply of socks! Do you ever feel this way? I feel like a complete failure in so many ways because I just can never do enough. How do you do it all?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Law too Loose for DUI?
A few weeks ago a drunk driver drove down our street and slammed into DH's car. Upon impact, her car was totaled. The story is hard to type, but she tried to escape, further damaging the property of others and her car. When her car would no longer move, she hopped out and ran away. For 2 hours, she managed to elude police until finally our neighbor found her and she was arrested. Despite the fact that we saw her driving the car and crashing into 3 things, the policeman did not check her blood alcohol level. This woman was driving with a suspended license, no insurance and a stolen tag with a sticker from someone else's car on it. She spent a whopping 6 hours in jail and was out on $250 bond. We spent more on our deductible to fix DH's car than she did no her bond. Wow.
As we slept innocently in our own home, she hurt our car, which in turn saved her life. Ahead were 2 huge trees and water. She never saw our car, so she never hit the brakes. She truly could have killed herself.
Today our newspaper speaks of a dentist named Moye who killed 2 people in October as he drove 89 miles per hour on a 30 mph bridge. 89 miles an hour!!!! He struck and killed 2 pedestrians who were walking on the bridge. He was arrogant when he was arrested and had no idea his foolishness had killed two people. His good time ended the lives on 2 people in their 20s.
Those of you from Raleigh have watched the sentencing of a Raleigh plastic surgeon who killed a young ballerina 2 years ago. What can we do to strengthen our laws so that this does not continue to happen? Why is it that we have repeat offenders? Both the dentist and doctor had previous records of speeding or DUI, I believe. What can we do to prevent this? Why does the law seem to protect the person who is drinking and driving more than it protects the innocent victims? Please join me in taking a cab if no one in your car is truly sober enough to drive. It's just not worth it to take someone else's life. I pray I never make the same mistake.
As we slept innocently in our own home, she hurt our car, which in turn saved her life. Ahead were 2 huge trees and water. She never saw our car, so she never hit the brakes. She truly could have killed herself.
Today our newspaper speaks of a dentist named Moye who killed 2 people in October as he drove 89 miles per hour on a 30 mph bridge. 89 miles an hour!!!! He struck and killed 2 pedestrians who were walking on the bridge. He was arrogant when he was arrested and had no idea his foolishness had killed two people. His good time ended the lives on 2 people in their 20s.
Those of you from Raleigh have watched the sentencing of a Raleigh plastic surgeon who killed a young ballerina 2 years ago. What can we do to strengthen our laws so that this does not continue to happen? Why is it that we have repeat offenders? Both the dentist and doctor had previous records of speeding or DUI, I believe. What can we do to prevent this? Why does the law seem to protect the person who is drinking and driving more than it protects the innocent victims? Please join me in taking a cab if no one in your car is truly sober enough to drive. It's just not worth it to take someone else's life. I pray I never make the same mistake.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tuesday's Tip

Good Morning! Can you believe the rising gas prices?! I cannot!!! One day it jumped 14 cents a gallon, and then it has jumped another 7 cents per gallon in the past few days. Unbelievable! I am a little bit fanatic about not having an empty gas tank. My rule of thumb is to fill the tank whenever I hit half a tank of gas. I can't tell you how many times this has saved us from having to stop for gas when an unexpected trip comes along. We're able to hop in the car and GO! Unfortunately, now more than ever you want to keep your tank full because the prices are going UP every day! So, stop and take the time to fill your car with gas and you'll be glad you did!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Green with Envy

All of the girls will be green with envy when they see you out and about with your new Neela bags. sells these fantastic bags. Now listen here to Mama Henley, you NEED a set. I know you're thinking that you don't need them because all you have to do is get a free one from a store or stock up on some reusable bags at Target or Harris Teeter or Publix for just $1 each. Yes, even TJ Maxx and Marshall's are producing cute reusable bags. The difference is that sells bags that are not only green, but they are CUTE, and they are sold in a precious bag with 5 folded bags inside it! What a deal!

And, if you use your cute bags at stores like Target, they will give you 5 cents credit for each reusable bag! Honey, it adds up quickly! Imagine the fun you will have saving money by using your stylish GREEN bags! If you do decide to buy some market bags, tell Ecodilly that Mama Henley sent you! Thanks, y'all!

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