Thursday, April 2, 2009

Freezing Strawberries

I can't wait to post pictures from our strawberry picking field trip today. It was great fun! The children and I picked 11 quarts... and they only cost me $5.50!!! I am quickly rinsing strawberries and pulling out these that have already gone bad. I decided I want to freeze some and will use them for smoothies and milkshakes. Those that are already turning bad I am cutting up & will attempt to make my grandmother's strawberry jam. To freeze the berries, I rinsed them and cut off all of the green. I pulled out mini muffin pans and have put them in the freezer. Once they freeze, I will move them to freezer ziploc bags for future use! Pictures will post soon.


Jessica Ryan said...

We are a few months away from strawberry picking yet! I always freeze strawberries... I love to make my mother's Strawberry Tea Bread... It won't disappoint!

Nita Meadows said...

Sounds yummy. I left you a comment on my blog. Please feel free to post a link. Thanks!

KK said...

Oh, I LOVE strawberry picking. I didn't know they had places to pick in CT but I see Jessica's comment that says there are so now I have to get the details!